Hiroshi Yamakawa

Partner Hiroshi Yamakawa


After graduating Osaka Prefecture University in 2014, Yamakawa joined Human Touch Co. Ltd., an employment agency specializing in introducing engineers and tech experts to clients in various fields. Yamakawa worked closely with clients in the field of construction and housing. He soon became manager of the housing field and took part in the start up of the executive search group at Human Touch. In this new field, Yamakawa was responsible for dealing with clients such as real estate funds, real estate developers, start up companies, fund management companies, and renewable energy firms. He has successfully placed management and technical professional roles and has also been successful in covering HR needs for new business developments and projects. With the decline in work population, many industries are to face challenges in securing the best talent. In this world of advanced technology and fundamental changes, Yamakawa would like to dedicate his knowledge and experience in supporting companies through human resource,executive search consulting. He joined Genius in Feb 2021 to fulfil his goals.

Fields of Expertise

建設・不動産部門のコアメンバー。人口減少に代表する社会課題やテクノロジーの進化により多様化するマーケットニーズへの対応が迫られる業界に対し、国家資格と専門技術を有するスペシャリスト採用、不動産デベロップメント、不動産金融領域において多くのプレースメント実績を有する。 直近では、上場企業の新規事業などタスクフォース的なポジション、後継者問題や新たな打ち手を必要とする地場企業の幹部ポジション、ゲームチェンジャーとなるべく成長中のベンチャー企業への紹介に積極的に取り組んでいる。 ■建設 ・設計、施工管理 ・コンストラクションマネジメント ・商品企画、開発部門 ・技術部門の管理職採用 ■不動産・不動産金融 ・不動産開発(取得、事業推進) ・アセットマネジメント ・バックオフィス全般 ・新規事業立ち上げに関する採用


+81 3 3321 3348
