Hirotoshi Kusano

Partner Hirotoshi Kusano


After graduating Hosei University in 2016, Kusano joined Career Design Center Inc. as a new graduate and worked as a consultant for a recruitment agency specializing in the web industry, providing recruitment support for both major and startup companies. He joined ROXX Inc. in 2019 as the first employee of "back check", a reference check service, in order to create a system to reduce recruitment mismatches in Japan. Hirotoshi was responsible for the launch of the IS/FS/CS area, and have successfully achieved growth as business manager. He was then engaged in business development at Unlace, a startup that provides healthcare-related CtoC services.

Seeing both success and failure of companies through human resource placement, Kusano joined Genius in March 2022, hoping to provide recruitment support for vital and difficult positions of companies regardless of size.





+81 3 3321 3348
